In the heart of the Salento region, the Messer Gesualdo estate covers an area of about  seven hectares, three of which are olive groves, one hectare of wood and the remaining part dedicated to the production of ancient cereals, varieties of traditional local legumes and vegetables. All our products are certified organic. 

The family-run company was born thanks to the passion for the land handed down through the generations. Thirty years ago pine saplings were transplanted onto a small piece of land that had been inherited, giving rise to the current wood, the green lung and propeller of the adventure that culminated in the establishment of the agricultural society. 

Messer Gesualdo ...... A history of Ladies and Knights 

The name originates from the homonymous piece of land part of the estate. Gesualdo was not used in Italy until the arrival in the south of the Longobards. Therefore it is thought that the name has German origins. The historical figure of the Longobard knight Gesualdo is set around the middle of the 6th century AD and his descendants for four hundred years thereafter were the lords of the feudal land of Gesualdo in the dukedom of Benevento. Following the Norman conquest, Guglielmo d'Altavilla, son of Ruggero Borsa and nephew of Roberto il Guiscardo, proclaimed himself duke of the feud, around the year 1120, thus acquiring the surname Gesualdo and giving rise to a long dynasty. The Gesualdos over the years established kinship ties with numerous noble families residing in southern Italy, William himself married Abelarte daughter of Goffredo I count of Lecce. The historical writings that have come down to us do not allow us to establish with certainty from which descendant of Gesualdo the toponym of the estate derives. We certainly know that a Ruggiero Gesualdo was an executioner of Otranto in 1385 while Antonello Gesualdo was a feudal lord of Martano during the second half of the 1400s.